Thank you

This is it! Tonight is my last official post for EME6414, Summer 2023. What to write about? If you had asked me a few hours earlier, my honest answer would have been "no idea". It's not I don't have anything on my mind (I may have too much actually), but I was not sure how to approach this last post. So, I've decided I'll do just as usual and draw a few personal reflections. To help me tackle this last challenge, I went back to Canvas and get an overview of our Modules Main Page. Gosh, what a journey it has been! The first image that comes to my mind is the iceberg metaphor. You know, this impression that for years, you had been exploring the World Wide Web with confidence, as if you were in your own neighborhood, with your own habits, hanging out with the same people, getting what you were looking for, not less, not more. And one day, you realize that you were just scratching the surface and that a whole world was lying underneath, inviting you to a whole new...


Where am I?

For me, starting a blog has been basically like getting into Rick's shoes in the first episode of Walking Dead. Waking up after several weeks of coma, and realizing the world is completely different and you need to quickly learn the rules in order to survive. Of course, not all of my world has changed since I activated my Blogger Account. But entering this unfamiliar space is definitely getting me out of my comfort zone, and I must admit I have no clear idea of how to approach it.

Unlike Rick, I don't feel I need weapons to survive for episode 2. But like him, I am fully aware I need directions and support to understand how I can find my way through Web 2.0.

These first days in EME6414 required me to dive into a struggling introspection. Though I have been writing posts on several social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and one post or two on Twitter a few years ago), I never thought of creating a blog. Maybe because I don't see what more it can bring me. The materials from week 1 helped me realize that I should probably view a personal endeavor from a more global view. Perhaps the input from an individual blog could lead to connections with online contributions from others and contribute (very modestly) to bring something positive to a community. 

Probably due to my scientific background, I have decided to approach this blog experience as a social experiment. I plan to observe, experiment, fail, experiment again, fail again, happily learn from others, and hopefully do my best to give in return. Like other produsers do. 

For now, it all starts with baby steps. I  just got the keys to my new "home"; I put some personal elements here: own name, photo profile, photography I took in a lovely trip on the US West Coast; I even picked a blog title that connected to my physical location and origin, even if it might not be that important. Or maybe it does. In fact, this is something I am looking to explore this semester: how does our culture impact the way we blog and does it impact our potential followers? And more importantly, how do our virtual identities influence the course of our "physical" lives?



  1. Identity is such a big part of online life. We'll explore it in the weeks to come. Most people who feel comfortable in social media spaces have reconciled with their online identity(ies) and how various contexts collide.


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