Thank you

This is it! Tonight is my last official post for EME6414, Summer 2023. What to write about? If you had asked me a few hours earlier, my honest answer would have been "no idea". It's not I don't have anything on my mind (I may have too much actually), but I was not sure how to approach this last post. So, I've decided I'll do just as usual and draw a few personal reflections. To help me tackle this last challenge, I went back to Canvas and get an overview of our Modules Main Page. Gosh, what a journey it has been! The first image that comes to my mind is the iceberg metaphor. You know, this impression that for years, you had been exploring the World Wide Web with confidence, as if you were in your own neighborhood, with your own habits, hanging out with the same people, getting what you were looking for, not less, not more. And one day, you realize that you were just scratching the surface and that a whole world was lying underneath, inviting you to a whole new...

The egocentric playlist

Dr. Dennen, you read my mind!

Here is my Spotify playlist: be selfish ;-)! Celebrate yourself with self-centered songs, others don't count here!  

Add your own songs, guys! (and yes, there's a Taylor Swift song, so no hesitation here ;-) ).

Important info: the collaborative feature of Spotify is not working great. Some online users suggest accessing Spotify on the desktop app to add songs to a collaborative playlist. It seems that the web player or a mobile app won't work. Give it a try, it might have been solved!


  1. Thelonious!!!! One of my favorite jazz artist.

    1. ahah, I love this song! Are you able to add a song in the playlist? I think to be able to do that, we have to use the desk app and not mobile or web versions. Let me know if it works!

  2. How did you make it work? I've saw that you added to my playlist. I've been trying to add to yours.

    1. I was able to add a song in your playlist from the desk app of Spotyify; from what I read online, software has not fixed this issue, as we cannot add songs to a shared playlist from mobile or web apps. Let me know if you could do it with my own playlist.

  3. This is a great theme for playlist! I want to add songs but I don't have a Spotify account. If I were able to, I would add Born this way by Lady Gaga


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